

The best in El Paso

Fencing Company Proudly Serving the Southwest Region

LB & Sons, Inc., is your go-to choice for all your fence installation needs in El Paso. We provide installation and repair services for commercial, industrial, or government applications. Whether you require a new, custom fence to keep your construction site safe or you need some repairs to your already existing fence, we can help!

Since we offer 24/7 support, we’ll be at your project site no matter the time of day or night. We understand the importance of having reliable fence installation services. For this reason, our qualified team is always on-call, so we can provide the highest degree of service whenever you need it on your next project.

For quality fence installation in El Paso, call LB & Sons! (915) 479-7060

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Our Fencing Services

Our fencing services mostly revolve around commercial, industrial, and government fence installation meant to keep your valuables in and potential intruders out. We can install different types of fencing depending on your specific needs. Our fencing can be a temporary solution or can be installed as a long-term security feature for your property.

In addition to our El Paso fence installation, we can also provide repair services for any existing fences. Often, repairs can simply be necessary due to old age or damage from weather events or accidents, but we can also repair areas where attempted break-ins may have occurred.

Unsure if we have the fence installation services that your project or property need? Contact us directly to receive more information from a member of the team!

Common Uses for Our Fences

Fences are a simple technology that can be used for a variety of differing reasons. Over the years, we’ve installed fences of different types to accommodate the full spectrum of reasons for fencing.

Below are some of the most common applications for our fence installations:

  • Security for construction sites
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial

Whether you need a fence for security measures or pest control or are working on a commercial, industrial, or residential project, having a reliable fence protecting the site from unwanted visitors is a necessity. Nothing can halt a project more than missing or stolen materials. With our fence installation services in El Paso, you won’t have to worry!

How Strong, Reliable Fencing Helps You

A fence may seem innocuous, but it actually serves an incredibly crucial role. Simply put, fences keep locations secure. No unwanted individuals will be able to access your construction site, for example, while your team works within a safe space. For this reason, fence installation services need to be reliable.

Not only do fences keep intruders out, but they also keep your team’s valuable tools and materials safe. It can be surprising how often intruders will probe a location for valuables, so installing a simple but effective line of defense can work wonders. Whether you have no fence at all or have a compromised one, we can help.

Choosing LB & Sons For Your Fencing Needs

At LB & Sons, we understand that every single detail—from the most minute to the most massive—will have an impact on the project at hand. For this reason, we leave no stone unturned, especially when it comes to fence installation. We’re ready to create a safe and secure perimeter around your site so you can have peace of mind.

Keep Your Area Secure With LB & Sons!

Fences are a simple but effective tool that can make a big difference in your security. At LB & Sons, we take our fence installation and repair work very seriously so our clients can feel safe and secure.

To learn more about our fence installation in El Paso, feel free to contact our team directly via phone, email, or through our site!

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